New Year New Look

Nina standing by the title of the vlog

Happy New Year!  I hope that this year has started with a fantastic bang.  I am definitely excited about all that I have in store for you here in the Trauma Treatment Collective. I am most excited about continuing to create content to support you in growing and developing your trauma treatment skills as well […]

A Conversation about Medication and Trauma Treatment

Nina standing beside title of blog, medication in trauma treatment.

Treating trauma can be complex and many times it takes several systems working together to wrap around the client in a way that feels supportive.  Over the years, I have learned to be effective in my work I have to have a number of referrals that provide a range of services.  One referral source that […]

Supervision and Consultation in Trauma Treatment

Supervision and consultation are two terms that are thrown around the mental health field quite frequently.  We hear about supervision throughout our higher education career.  It starts with our first internship and then the term moves with us through getting our supervised hours as budding clinicians.  Then once we are out in the real world, […]

Collaboration In Trauma Treatment

Treating trauma is complex and sometimes can be a lot for one mental health professional to manage.  I believe it is important to have several professionals you can refer to and collaborate within trauma treatment. Having a wide variety of collaboration and referral options ensures the best client-centered trauma treatment possible.  Below I will give […]

Effective Networking In Trauma Treatment

Learning to connect with other professionals is vital to your success as you niche in trauma treatment.  Having a solid network of professionals can help you feel supported as well be a springboard for opportunities in your career development.  In order to be an effective networker, it is important to get over any fears or […]

Finding A Mentor Who Specializes in Trauma Treatment

When developing your niche in trauma treatment having a mentor can be helpful.  Mentors provide a wealth of knowledge and direction.  The road to identifying your ideal client and creating your dream career can be riddled with hurdles, speed bumps, and random detours.  Knowing that you have someone to help you stay on course and […]