Maintaining Healthy Boundaries with Trauma Clients

In the realm of trauma treatment, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries with trauma clients is an indispensable cornerstone of the healing process. These healthy boundaries form a protective framework that fosters trust, safety, and empowerment, enabling clients and trauma treatment professionals the space to navigate the healing journey with greater clarity and stability. By clearly […]

Be Willing to Do Your Own Trauma Healing

The final installment in this series on how to become the best trauma treatment professional possible is focused on the pursuit of your own healing.  Think about you doing your own healing work as an opportunity to clear more space so you have the emotional capacity to hold space with your clients for their healing. […]

Challenging Your Mindset Around Growing Your Trauma Treatment Skills

Nina standing beside the title of the vlog

No matter what you are doing there is always a mindset that needs to be challenged or at the least shifted a little to the right or left.  Think about it…when it comes to your finances, fitness, spiritual journey, etc. there is always something that needs tweaking.  Why would your growth and development in your […]

Trauma Treatment Journey Goals and Intentions Setting

Nina standing beside the title of the vlog.

It is the start of a new year and if you are reading this in real-time, what better time than now to set some goals and resolutions for the New Year.  If you are stumbling upon this vlog post later in the year…no worries…if not now, when? You can benefit from this also. I have […]

When the Therapist is Triggered in Session

Nina standing in office beside title, Therapist Triggered in Session.

As a therapist, being triggered in session can be very unsettling the first time it happens…typically no one has prepared you for the moment when you find yourself in fight, flight, or freeze in session as the therapist.  Well guess what…it is totally normal, and the first time probably won’t be the last time it […]

Boundaries for the Client and Therapist in Trauma Treatment

By the nature of the work we do as trauma therapists we cannot be dismissive of our boundaries and the boundaries of our clients.  Boundaries keep everyone safe, but there is a tendency to sometime have unhealthy boundaries if we are not mindful.  There are three types of boundaries and there can be a plethora […]

Is Therapist Isolation Real

Feeling isolated and/or lonely as a mental health professional is common.  Think about it…we can’t really talk about what we do and if we are in private practice, we could be the only other professional in our office.  Not to mention, with the rise of online therapy we might not leave the house all week.  […]

How to Manage My Own Trauma History as a Trauma Therapist

The likelihood of us having our own trauma history as trauma therapist is high, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be effective at helping our clients.  What is does mean is that we have to be mindful of ways to ensure we stay healthy. In today’s vlog, I share a little about my personal journey […]

How to Increase Your Confidence When Treating Trauma

We all face some form of imposter syndrome from time to time.   It’s not so much if, but rather when.  If you are anything like me…you face it repeatedly. It may be that tough client that causes you to second guess your trauma treatment skill set or maybe things are going great with your clients, […]

3 Tips for Good Emotional Regulation While In a Session With a Trauma Survivor

One of the cornerstones of treating trauma is helping clients establish good emotional regulation.  It is vital for a therapist who is treating trauma to be aware of their own emotional regulation.  The therapist not only models good skills but also create a sense of safety for the client by having good emotional regulation. Window […]